Heritage Carers - Intergenerational Meetings - Rota do Românico

Heritage Carers - Intergenerational Meetings


During the month of October, the Route of the Romanesque promoted meetings between six Heritage Carers and students from nearby schools.

In a different class, the Carers shared memories, emotions, and advice. The services they regularly perform at the Route's monuments were also a topic of conversation.

Mrs. Aurora Leite, carer of the Church of Aveleda, was at the Dr. Mário Fonseca School Group, in Lousada, with the 11th A class, on 8 October.

Professor Manuel Dias, carer of the Church of Boelhe, visited the Penafiel Sudeste School Group, in Cabeça Santa, and the 6th E and 9th F classes, on 11 October.

Mrs. Teresa Sampaio, carer of the Monastery of Pombeiro, visited the D. Manuel de Faria e Sousa School Group, in Felgueiras, for a chat with the 8th B class, on 12 October.

Mr. Belmiro Barros, carer of the Church of Saint Nicholas, met with the 10th F and 11th F classes of the Marco de Canaveses Secondary School, on 21 October.

Mrs. Lurdes Remuge, carer of the Church of Tarouquela, in Cinfães, met the 4th-grade students of the local School Centre, on 22 October.

Mrs. Rosa Carvalho (Rosinha), carer of the Monastery of Travanca, in Amarante, had a chat with the 4th-grade class of the school where she works, the Acácio Lino Basic School, on 22 October.

These actions are part of the project Heritage Carers, one of the 11 winners of the 'European Heritage Days Stories 2020' competition, promoted by the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

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